Fame | Jane Geddes net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
Does Jane Geddes have any children? What are the names of Jane Geddes's children? What are the ages of Jane Geddes's children?
How old is Jane Geddes? When is Jane Geddes's birthday? Where is Jane Geddes born? Where did Jane Geddes grow up from? What's Jane Geddes's age?
Jane Geddes Born: February 5, 1960 (age 63years), Huntington, New York, United States
Is Jane Geddes married? When did Jane Geddes get married? Who's Jane Geddes's married to? (Who's Jane Geddes's husband / wife)?
Jane Geddes Spouse: Gigi Fernndez
Jane Geddes Former_tour: LPGA Tour (19832003)
Jane Geddes Education: Florida State University, University of South Florida
Jane Geddes Profession_win: 15
Jane Geddes Turn_profession: 1983